Help for Turkey & Syria Help for Turkey & Syria
ZF hilft.Help Projects2023: Earthquake in Turkey & Syria

Earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria

Thank you for donating more than 375,000 euros!

  • 375.336 Euro donations
  • "ZF hilft." increases donations by a further 75,000 Euros from free donations
  • The total amount of aid funds increases to 450,336 Euros

On February 6, two strong earthquakes shook southeast Türkiye and northern Syria, causing major damage.

Immediately after the disaster, the general assembly of ZF hilft e.V. decided to make an immediate donation of 200,000 Euros for the people affected. "ZF hilft." also called on all employees to participate in a fundraising campaign. The city of Friedrichshafen also took part in the "ZF hilft." campaign with its appeal for donations.

The fundraising campaign is officially closed: In total, more than 375,000 Euro in donations have been collected. In addition to the donations received, "ZF hilft." will use additional 75,000 Euros from the funds´ available free donations for the earthquake victims to support aid organizations.

The list of aid organizations that will help the affected people in Türkiye and Syria was confirmed at the last "ZF hilft." general meeting. Among other things, schools are being rebuilt, container villages are being set up for people who are still homeless, and kindergartens are also being set up for the youngest victims.

As with the last fundraising campaigns, “ZF hilft.” works with partner organizations that have local experience and staff on site.

Many thanks for your donations and your commitment!